cac ban oi !!! minh` dang hoc lop 12 , minh hoc kha' mon E va Van nhung ma uoc vong cua minh lai muon vao trg DH mo? dia chat , ma trg do lai thi khoi A , ma` khoi A th`i minh` hoc kha' moi mon Hoa thoi , bay gio` fai lam` the nao` ? theo cac ban thi` minh` nen thi khoi gi ?
My name is Dung Nguyen!!! Well, it seems like you have a bit of problem in choosing your program in University. My advice is that to choose what you really want to do for the rest of your life. Go with it, you'd do well whatever you'd like to do. That'd what I'd think.
P.s. It is not really about the marks, it is about the knowledge you learn!!!
i agree with what Dung Nguyen said ... And I will now say that E is not too difficult to learn it .... I think you'd better take a real check ..but .. truly i dont think i'm a rite person to show you some advide like this ...try to learn it once a day